Berapa waktu lalu salah satu produk Sony yaitu Sony Playstation Network (PSN) di serang oleh beberapa Hacker . Serangan tersebut adalah Distribute Denial Of Service (DDOS) . Dan serangan tersebut membuat jaringan SPN down selama kurang lebih 48 Jam .
Dan pada hari minggu sekitar jam 1 Malam waktu setempat , SPN sudah kembali normal. Kabar itu langsung di sebarluaskan memalui website resmi Sony playstation dan twitter-nya .
Inilah yang ada di website resminya Sony Playstation
+ Posted by Catherine Jensen on Dec 27, 2014 // VP, SCEA Consumer Experience
UPDATE: PlayStation Network is back online. As you probably know, PlayStation Network and some other gaming services were attacked over the holidays with artificially high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. This may have prevented your access to the network and its services over the last few days.
Thanks again for your support and patience. We’ll provide any further updates here.
The video game industry has been experiencing high levels of traffic designed to disrupt connectivity and online gameplay. Multiple networks, including PSN, have been affected over the last 48 hours. PSN engineers are working hard to restore full network access and online gameplay as quickly as possible.
From time to time there may be disruptions in service due to surges in traffic, but our engineers will be working to restore service as quickly as possible.
If you received a PlayStation console over the holidays and have been unable to log onto the network, know that this problem is temporary and is not caused by your game console. We’ll continue to keep you posted on Twitter at @AskPlayStation and we’ll update this post once the problems subside.
Thanks again for your patience.
Bagi yang senang menggunakan SPN , selamat melanjuktan ngegame .
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